Livelihood context




Reference in Actor Atlas


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The Fringes

In accordance with the definition of business actor and business role in Archimate (Chapt. 4) an actor is defined as an entity capable of (actively) performing behavior, and a role is defined as a named specific behavior of an actor participating in a particular context (typically a collaboration (ref. Archimate's business collaboration) or interaction; ref. Interaction Dictionary.)

In a societal architecture an actor is of level pico, micro, meso or macro.

The pico level actor, a human, is part of the Natural Order and participates as a natural person in the Social Order and the Techno Order.

Actors at the levels micro, meso and macro are socially created as legal person with varying claims on resources and duties. (Societal) Architecture Principles would typically capture the variation of these claims in relationship to the kind of assets.

descriptive text
Actor Atlas: Teacher